Why Craft CMS for Content Creation
Craft CMS puts your content first.

Model the CMS around your content.
With Craft your content comes first. No more trying to make your content work within the confines of the CMS.
Build entry types and custom fields around the needs of the content.
Easily create relationships between entries, categories, and other content elements.
Create repeating and long form content with Matrix fields.

A tool you’ll love to use.
From the user-friendly interface to the completely customizable backend, everything you interact with is designed to just make sense.
Live Preview allows you to see how your content will look as you're writing it.
Intuitive Control Panel with semantic naming.
Powerful image editing and asset management tools.

Designed with your workflow in mind
With plenty of format options, draft saving, mobile editing, and Live Preview, Craft helps you create great content quickly and keep everything under control.
Built in translation and localization.
Save in-progress content as drafts.
Define user roles with fine-grained permissions.